A simple GitHub contributions API

Introducing my first API built on Next.js: a convenient way to access GitHub contributions via a public API. Simplifying the process, this API connects developers with their GitHub activity, enabling an easy display of your contribution history. Great for howing work and progress on personal websites.


It is as simple as fetching the following URL with your desired parameters for user and year.

GET https://github-contributions-n55umvkfm-adomaitisc.vercel.app/<username>/<year>


The response type is very straightforward, it is an array of rows, where we have an array of contributions. Each contribution is an object.

type Contribution = {
count: number;
name: string;
month: string;
day: number;
year: number;
level: string; } | null;

type Row = Contribution[];

type Response = Row[];


Example component can be found on the public repository

Made by Cauã Adomaitis

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